among listed pickup places.
Please check the details on the event!

BUS has a sign in front of the window, SEOULHIKING
[♣Sinchon station(신촌) line2. out of exit7 ,walk 50 steps ,pass CU, to TAXI stop

* a stop next to Hongik Univ.
* There are buses connect to
Paju/Ilsan(red 200,2200,m7731),
Goyang(red 921),Gimpo(red 1004,2000,3000,G6000,M6117),
Songdo(M6724),Incheon(red 1400,1500,1501)

[♣ Sinyongsan station(신용산역,means New Yongsan), line4,out of  exit3,
* From Yongsan station(용산,line1&KTX&ITX&Keyonguijungang line crossing), out of exit1,walk straight and pass a building.
* DRAGON HILL SPA has an outdoor swimming pool, even in winter you can swim in warm water, you’d better bring a bathing suit and hat(rental possible), there is commom room to sleep a night

[ ♣ Express Bus Terminal subway station, Line3 or Line7 or Line9 / out of Exit8, in front of Shinsegae Department store. – please,don’t go to exit8-1,8-2.

* there are exit8-1,8-2 but these are across the exit8. Please don’t get confused.
* It’s a mega station 3 lines of metro crossing and has a huge department store and endless clothing shopping alley at underground.

[♣ Jamsil station(잠실역), line2,out of  exit4,walk 200 steps to in front of Lotte Mart]


[ ♣ Dongcheon station ,EX-HUB, on highway] who live in Jukjeon,Suwon,Bundang,Yongin,Osan,etc
Out of Exit1, turn around , walk 100 steps to bus stop on the highway

[ ♣ Pangyo station, 판교,sinbundang line,out of exit4] walk to the bus stop
-who live close to Pangyo,Jukjeon,Suwon,Bundang,Yongin,Osan,etc

[ ♣Cheonan 망향휴게소(MangHyang Rest stop) Pickup] emergency stop~ only by request!

*Only available when you find a TAXI and call me(01086069904) to talk to driver to confirm the direction. or come together with friend who already know the place
*when the trip pass the reststop on Gyeongbu express way, you can reserve to be picked up.
How to come : show BELOW to taxi driver ->

address : 충청남도 천안시 서북구 성거읍 요방리 117-22

-> then,the other side [PARKING LOT of the rest stop,the staff of the rest stop use].

-> walk in the parking lot(night time is closed but you can come in)and pass through the parking lot into the rest stop.

You can see the information center there.

[ ♣ Pyeongtaek 평택 , Anseong I.C]
There is a SK gas station right in front of entrance of Anseong I.C
Address :경기도 안성시 공도읍 서동대로 3986 안평주유소
지번주소 경기도 안성시 공도읍 진사리 2-6 (please,copy and show to taix driver)

if there is less than 5 people we can negotiate to somewhere close to Pyeongtaek , such as Cheonan or Daejeon.

[ ♣ Daejeon 대전 Bokhap Bus Terminal ,in front of Noblesse Wedding hall]By request more than 5 people and only when we pass by the city


[ ♣ Cheonan Bus Terminal 천안버스터미널] Tomntoms coffee shop,
from the bus terminal, macdonald , walk toward to left to the Arario Gallery,

Tomntoms is Diagonal direction from the Arario Gallery
