
Warren, it was because of your trips that I fell in love
with hiking and that changed my life!

Carina Iliasoff
Honestly had the best time with SHG, and it’s the trips I
miss the most from my time in Korea. Can’t wait to come
back again one day 🙂

Joe Away
I had some great hikes and trips with you and SHG
Warren. We’ll be moving back to Korea one day, and I’m
already looking forward to coming on some again!

Scott Little
Cycling around Jeju, visiting Ulleungdo and hiking
Seoraksan were my highlights.

Nikita Tarlo
I feel the same way. You know that I love you, your
family and Seoul Hiking Group so much!

Carla Bononi
Your trips absolutely changed my life!
Jenessa Elise “Ditto!”
Jonna Anne Pedersen”Honestly Same!”

Vincent Beaucourt
Hope we can do another, one day. Seoul trip good so far
away for me… I’m sure do by to meet you if I get the
chance to travel again in your area.

Chris Mihal
I met the love of my life thanks to Seoul Hiking Group so
it definitely changed my life.

Ben Latour
100% Seoul Hiking Group was a huge plus to my
experience in Korea. Much love Warren!!

Anderson Barros Rastelinho
I second that! Warren deserves an honor from the
tourism government agency for doing such a great job
introducing foreigners to the hiking culture and tourism
spots in Korea!

Loren Bennett III
I miss SHG!!! Some of favorite memories

Milas Enobad
I really miss the old days of the Seoul Hiking Group.
Warren really made sure each trip was a success no
matter what

Leah Lonnie Cho
I miss SHG too! I fell in love with hiking in Korea and
have been exploring the mountains and national parks in
the U.S ever since.

Leslie Parker
I have such fond memories of Korea and your trips are a

Liz Paulson
It’s a wonderful group and I’m so glad you are still
keeping it strong!

Anneka Kayli
Definitely many of my favourite memories in Korea are
because of SHG trips.

Claire Grossheim
Today on my way to work, I was reflecting on the few
people whose paths I have crossed who have epically
changed my life and you are one of them. Thank you for
changing my life and giving me the gift of the outdoors
and hiking!

Ferdi Lau
Some of my favourite memories in Korea! Thank you,
Warren. Miss you and your family a lot

Colleen Kinneen
I love seeing how many people’s lives you have touched
and am grafeful to be able to include myself in that

Diana Cao
My first trip on Jeju you told me you were looking for
volunteers and I thought as someone who is usually
more introvert I should apply just a way to meet people
… we did so many awesome trips together Warren! I told
you I didn’t like hiking and then look what happened! I
started to LOVE it through you. You helped shape me
into the person I am and I have a lifetime of memories
because of the trips we did!

Ronda Smith
Warren! My weekends with you and SHG were some of
my favorite memories of all. You’ve really left an imprint
on my life and so many others!

Shannon A. Keller
Jamie and I had such wonderful times on your trip.
Thanks for everythig Warren. Your trips are a huge part
of my memory from Korea. AND, you changed our
language – we now regularly say “peeps” because of you.

Madeleine Franken
I share these sentiments! Any time anyone asks me what
I remember most about Korea, SHG trips are the first
thing I mention. Thank you for the great memories
Warren! I hope I can make it back for another Seoraksan
climb one day.

Bethany Jane
Hiking is my favourite thing. Definitely owe that to SHG!

Absolutely the same here! You were a huge part of my
early love affair with Korean nature. Thank you!

Published by The Warren

on Facebook...Search"Seoul Hiking Group" group. Every weekends, hiking,camping,getaway from ordinary life

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